Holiday Party Tips

Olympia Provisions dinner parties are legendary.
Everyone's invited, we've got a heavy hand with the cheer, and most importantly:
Everyone's invited, we've got a heavy hand with the cheer, and most importantly:
the hosts have fun, too.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we're sharing the OP family tips for actually having a good time when you have friends over.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we're sharing the OP family tips for actually having a good time when you have friends over.
We're calling it "Less Hosting - More Toasting" or, how to be an epic host (and guest!) without all the fuss this holiday season.

Listen: Thanksgiving dinner might be the main event, but you need snacks before dinner. No one likes to arrive, gift in hand, to find a sweaty, hangry host in the kitchen -- and no dinner in sight. We've all been there! You can't always control how long that turkey will take to get to temperature, but you CAN give yourself a little wiggle room.
It doesn't matter if you're hosting an all-day, multi-generational affair with floats and footballs, or sending calligraphic invitations to a formal affair; trust, everyone will appreciate something to whet their appetite. Cue the charcuterie board. Make it ahead, make it pretty, make it every time you host.
When people arrive, take a moment to say hello. Pour everyone (that means you) a nice glass of wine, and point your guests to the meat. You get time in the kitchen to finish your gravy, and your guests are already impressed with how relaxed and prepared you are.

Find your ride-or-die, or promote a young family member to help you keep things moving while you are in the kitchen, making magic happen. This person can help flip records, re-fill wine glasses, stock the board up and more. Keeping things seamlessly moving for your guests is the key to keeping folks in the moment, having a great time. Plus, you'll stay less stressed while preparing for the main event. Which leads us to ...

With so much pressure to make things perfect, we often forget that folks are most excited about the meal they're about to eat and the company they get to be in. Whether you seat everyone at a table, family style, or buffet-line it up when serving dinner - all that matters is the experience of eating home-cooked, amazing food with one another. So you decided to nix the turkey this year and simply focus on the ham. Or you doubled down on smaller side dishes to appeal to everyone at the table. Any time you are cooking for others, you are doing it correctly! Food is love, no matter what you serve.
So, try not to overthink the service-style of your event, and be kind to yourself! After all, you've made an amazing party happen and most folks are grateful for you simply hosting.